ICT Billet
Malex Motorsports is the leading supplier of ICT Billet products and solutions. Through them, we can provide you with all parts needed for LS swap projects through this website, and you can be sure that you're getting the highest quality, American-designed products, made by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.
What makes them the best? The history of this company, and their insights into the enthusiast space, make ICT Billet a company that Malex Motorsports is proud to work with.
On building a business around the best parts need for LS swap projects
In 2014, Allison Greger and Alan Burdue saw a real need in the market. Car enthusiasts were calling for a higher standard with regards to the parts needed for LS swap projects, and ICT Billet was born to meet that need.
“Alan started the business in his garage, after purchasing his first CNC mill and started making parts on the side after working his full-time job,” Greger said. “Within a short period of time, he had such a demand selling parts online he had to quit his job and focus solely on ICT Billet. Since then, we have grown to a 25,000 sq ft building, with inventory in four countries and over 200 warehouses.”
That kind of explosive growth and international demand comes from somewhere. There are, of course, plenty of different options available on the market, but according to Greger, what sets ICT Billet apart is not just the high-quality manufacture of the parts needed for LS swap – it’s also the focus on customer service which has helped set this brand apart, in a sector that is often overwhelmingly complex for new enthusiasts to get involved.
“We are car people that love helping others complete their project without having to buy un-necessary expensive parts,” Greger said. “We have done these swaps and provide the best possible information and customer service in the industry. We also machine all our parts in-house to keep it affordable for the average car enthusiast.”
ICT Billet and Malex Motorsports: A natural partnership
This commitment to the customer is what made ICT Billet such an attractive partner for Malex Motorsports to bring to the car enthusiast community in Australia. Backed by the guarantee of quality from the US manufacturing process, the product line was a natural fit with the other brands that Malex Motorsports represents, and many customers have already taken full advantage of these leading parts needed for LS swap projects on offer.
More than just the quality of the product, though, there is a natural alignment between the two companies in terms of a genuine commitment to customer relationships and being a resource of information and expertise for the customer, rather than just a store that shifts products. “Malex has really helped get our parts needed for LS swap projects to customers in Australia. Working with them has been great and we appreciate them helping to introduce so many more people to our products,” Greger said.
As Greger noted, the car enthusiast hobby has never been more accessible and affordable. “Big power used to take big money,” Greger said. “With the LS engine people can get so much power out of stock engines - especially when you pair it with an inexpensive turbo, it has allowed even more people to build fun cars.” This has meant that there has been an influx of people who are in need of the kind of information and support provided by true experts in the field – information that isn’t always as readily available and accessible as it should be.
What’s next for ICT Billet and Malex Motorsports?
As Greger said, things are just getting started, and car enthusiasts have a lot to look forward to coming from the company.
“We still have a ton of LS parts that we will be making in the near future and will be adding more vehicles to our popular vehicle build sheets,” Greger said. “Look for more Gen V LT parts as the pricing comes down on these engines as more become available in the market.”
Naturally, as ICT Billet continues to expand and provide customers with the parts needed for LS swap projects, Malex Motorsports will also be there to provide Aussie car enthusiasts with expert guidance and complete solutions that ensure the success of their modification projects.
On building a business around the best parts needed for LS swap projects
In 2014, Allison Greger and Alan Burdue saw a real need in the market. Car enthusiasts were calling for a higher standard with regards to the parts needed for LS swap projects, and ICT Billet was born to meet that need.
“Alan started the business in his garage, after purchasing his first CNC mill and started making parts on the side after working his full-time job,” Greger said. “Within a short period of time, he had such a demand selling parts online he had to quit his job and focus solely on ICT Billet. Since then, we have grown to a 25,000 sq ft building, with inventory in four countries and over 200 warehouses.”
That kind of explosive growth and international demand comes from somewhere. There are, of course, plenty of different options available on the market, but according to Greger, what sets ICT Billet apart is not just the high-quality manufacture of the parts needed for LS swap – it’s also the focus on customer service which has helped set this brand apart, in a sector that is often overwhelmingly complex for new enthusiasts to get involved.
“We are car people that love helping others complete their project without having to buy un-necessary expensive parts,” Greger said. “We have done these swaps and provide the best possible information and customer service in the industry. We also machine all our parts in-house to keep it affordable for the average car enthusiast.”
ICT Billet and Malex Motorsports: A natural partnership
This commitment to the customer is what made ICT Billet such an attractive partner for Malex Motorsports to bring to the car enthusiast community in Australia. Backed by the guarantee of quality from the US manufacturing process, the product line was a natural fit with the other brands that Malex Motorsports represents, and many customers have already taken full advantage of these leading parts needed for LS swap projects on offer.
More than just the quality of the product, though, there is a natural alignment between the two companies in terms of a genuine commitment to customer relationships and being a resource of information and expertise for the customer, rather than just a store that shifts products. “Malex has really helped get our parts needed for LS swap projects to customers in Australia. Working with them has been great and we appreciate them helping to introduce so many more people to our products,” Greger said.
As Greger noted, the car enthusiast hobby has never been more accessible and affordable. “Big power used to take big money,” Greger said. “With the LS engine people can get so much power out of stock engines - especially when you pair it with an inexpensive turbo, it has allowed even more people to build fun cars.” This has meant that there has been an influx of people who are in need of the kind of information and support provided by true experts in the field – information that isn’t always as readily available and accessible as it should be.
What’s next for ICT Billet and Malex Motorsports?
As Greger said, things are just getting started, and car enthusiasts have a lot to look forward to coming from the company.
“We still have a ton of LS parts that we will be making in the near future and will be adding more vehicles to our popular vehicle build sheets,” Greger said. “Look for more Gen V LT parts as the pricing comes down on these engines as more become available in the market.”
Naturally, as ICT Billet continues to expand and provide customers with the parts needed for LS swap projects, Malex Motorsports will also be there to provide Aussie car enthusiasts with expert guidance and complete solutions that ensure the success of their modification projects.